The beach at Mr Irvine Bay after the weather cleared on the 6th day of the May 2021, when the coronavirus now known as COVID-19 forced lockdown.
More to this than just drainage
This simple Assembly project, billed no doubt as a Recovery measure will probably kill the little reef off Mt Irvine, will in all likelihood denude the beach of its pink sands and sure as shylock is going to kill the wetland in the foreground. How doe something this shameful come to pass?
Rumour has its a brainpoop of the engineering brains in the Division of Works (Its DIQE really but why advertise for them when they are to shy to put this project on their webpage). A thinking person might have thought to advise them of the folly of dumping – well, whatever will come down from the Prospect side of town and into the only swim-friendly beach on the entire south coast.
Is there a reason beyond the simple fact they want to make box drains, lots and lots of concrete box drains? Probably. If I had a few extra concrete trucks to hand as well as access to a profligate buyer of concrete I suppose I’d build a few thousand meters of box drains all over Tobago meself and devil take the hindmost.
May 2. Locked down
PandemicOur guarantee
SpecialMt Irvine Bay Watersports is not your everyday fly by night tourism service provider yessirree no we are not. We accept times are hard – a pandemic will do that. We accept you may not have enough money to make ends meet, perhaps your dog is worried too. Worry no longer. We don’t and we certainly got no money. But enough of that you are here for those soon to be famous Mt Irvine Bay watersport guarantees. First. Here’s our reward guarantee.
Show up at the watersport shop anytime in 2021 and tell us you read this post. Refer to it as the Trippin post. For that you get a whoppin 15% off whatever it is you are doing with us. Conditions do not apply. If it was just a cold drink you had in mind, you still get 15% off.
We are bored. No shippin… we are in fact bored a pandemic will do that iffen God forbid you don’t get the actual virus. So we sit here all day and hope someone wants something in the water. Not happening but we can but hope. So drop in with your best or worst joke. Conditions apply of course. You must have your mask on and the first words you speak must be the joke. Get 15% of anything you want to do at Mt Irvine Watersports after that.
Did the joke fall flat? Could happen. Especially when we say we jokin too.
However… and this is no joke. These are the days when you want to learn a new waterbased skill, sport or fun activity. Drop in, we’ll teach you and yours for 15% off the old rates. (the old rates are on a few old brochures we handy). The joke? We get 15% discount from the printer people. Ah COVID.
COVID crazy
Special50% off EVERYTHING. Yeh that’s correct. We’re delirous.
Drop in have a look at our old (pre-pandemic) prices and choose your watersport for HALF PRICE.